Getting a much more straightforward bus from Bacalar to Tulum we landed and had some lunch before going out to the Hotel (It was a burger and was the best food I've ate since Oaxaca, made up for the American food by eating a Burrito the next day!). Booked the Hotel on Airbnb purely because of the good price but was a great hotel (Seremonia if your in the area) but the place was far out and on a dirt road so walking was out of the question and Taxi's were pretty saucy so a Moped was going to do! First lie of Tulum was telling the guy of course I've driven these before........sure how hard could it be......... Just ask Sarah how she was after we went to the shops on the back of it that evening...... dodgey!

We decided to head out the next morning to visit some of the Local Centoes but with the because Cenote looking for 500 Peso admission that was a hard pass....... We hit up a quieter one called Cenote Escondido (Thanks Sarah (Bacalar) for the tip if your reading!) which was great, clear clear blue water full of fish and caves and very few people. Feeling refreshed we went back to the hotel and spent some more time lounging around the pool and rooftop jacuzzi (Told you in was a nice hotel!) but also realizing how badly the top of my forearms got burnt driving around, but a few cold cans in a hot tub would sort that out!

As if the previous day wasn't exciting enough we got up early to drive out to Playa Paradiso to go snorkeling (was getting the hang of the moped at this point but Sarah's arse was getting bruised from all the speed bumps and potholes ....... the brakes weren't great so was hitting everything at speed!). We took off on a boat just myself and Sarah with our guide taking in the Mayan ruins on the coast line before diving in at the coral reef and swimming with the pod of Stingrays and green Turtles grazing on the sea grass! Drying off we took off down the hotel district to admire all the places way out of our price range! We landed back in the downtown area and stalled into Latin Ink for a quick "Somewhat Matching" tattoo (Same Theme different designs / Size) and then out to pick up our Laundry (said it before can't all be fun and games!). We got back to the hotel ate some left over pasta we had made from the previous night (it was also the next day's breakfast), did some stargazing on the roof then got cozy for the night and put on Hocus Pocus 2 (Sarah's pick, I think I fell asleep cannot remember the end....or middle....maybe abit of the start....)