So as I hinted to in the last post we had an eventful departure to Bacalar, simultaneously has the bus pulled into the depo Sarah realised she had left her handbag in the uber. We resided ourselves to the fact the bus infront of us was not going to be for us, we began the hardship of hunting down an uber driver with no Internet and limited Spanish. After about an hour of getting used to the idea of Sarah being cardless for the rest of the trip, we hit gold and our Uber driver was on his way back after jokingly tell Sarah he spent her money! (He didn't we checked while tipping him!). The super decent Uber driver even dropped us to our new bus station across town and we were off to Bacalar!

Enjoying a relaxing 3 hour bus to the opposite side of the peninsula catching up on some writing and some sleep! Getting to the our hostel which was right on the lake we checked into our first dorm room (unfortunately we were late to the room so we were both stuck with the top bunk of two different bunk beds). We ventured out for food in what can only be described as the most geckos I have ever seen in one place (my amusement was winding Sarah up that they were going to drop down from the ceiling, also speed drinking a very large bottle of beer [1.5L] because Sarah was not keen on staying!). We went back to the Yak Lake House for the evening having a few more drinks. Chilling out on the loungers our accents gave us away and we met Thomas and Sarah another Irish couple out travelling (this was to be a theme of Bacalar, slowly growing the Irish contingent). After too many beers and a surly bouncer we made our way back to our dorms (were I instantly lost my blanket, falling to the bunk below me, and being way too drunk and awkward I just went without for the night).

The next day to clear the hangover we took a dip into the lagoon, it really was 7 different colours of blue (but at the edges smelt like sulfur.....), renting a kayak we went across the lagoon soaking up a bit of sun as we went before deciding to turn around and noticing a storm rolling in...... cut to a stressful man vs. sea moment trying to get in before the storm hit! Seeking shelter inside the hostel we did a Spanish lesson with Charlie (he was French) and stumbled upon the next two Irish, Orlaith and Jade. Sarah of course trying to make a connection within 5 minutes in most cases being successful! We showered then back down for Mojito making classes and dinner! Thomas and Sarah coming back for a second night in a row and in tow another Irish man Thomas and with Orlaith and Jade we were 7 strong (Still not enough to take over from the Germans but still better than 2!). Nice to hear the similar accents again and to be able to talk at full tilt!