The next day we left Agra to travel to Jaipur, stopping on the way to visit a Mughal Palace on the outskirts of Agra. As we wandered around the abandoned Palace we realised that unfortunately the forsaken Delhi Belly had struck me down, que and uncomfortable 3 hours in the back of the car on bumpy roads to Jaipur. Arriving at the hotel Ghoki did not seem impressed that my interest levels of Jaipur did not extend past proximity to a bathroom and somewhere comfortable for the fetal position but said we would try again tomorrow.

Tomorrow rocked around and my symptoms had lessened so we ventured out with both Sarah and Ghoki supplying me with Medication (Sarahs was in blister packs, Ghoki's was in a wrap in the glove compartment of his car.........found out later it was opium.......). We knocked about some of the spots of Jaipur, many palaces and different crypts and tombs before throwing the towel in after hiking up to a Sun Temple with Sarah leaving grip marks on my arms as we waded through groups of curious monkeys! We used the evening to plan out our next leg in Sri Lanka.

Our last trip with Ghoki in the morning and despite his quirks he's not a bad guy so he at least made the last 4 days interesting and gave us all our information before we went into any attraction so as we weren't tempted to get a guide (they swarmed us everytime and despite feigning not to speak english and only speak french they either continued insisting or spoken french back!). We piled into the car our 5 hour trip back to New Delhi to catch our flight out to Colombo, bye bye India!