Getting off the overnight bus (much like a scene from the walking dead) what hit first was the heat of this beachside town, The humidity spiking and the t-shirt instantly sticking to my back! We eventually got to our hotel after a brief heart attack given to us from a taxi driver dropping us to a derelict building (We are still working on the whole Spanish thing.......), getting to the hostel but alas no bed for us still too early! So picking up another traveler in the same situation we went for lunch in the local market and I found myself missing the Oaxaca market! Once the impact of the heat wore off we reveled in how much more quiet this town was in comparison to all previous locations, no issue crossing roads! Taking the evening to explore our surroundings and get some steps in!

The next morning we woke with the goal of some sun and sea, doing the 2km walk to the beach and down about 200 steps (not a lie should be some pictures of those ridiculous stairs......), I rented a board and paddled out to the surf while Sarah chilled out with a Bridgeton book while also trying to keep an eye on me in the water (like a mammy.....But me being underwater most of the time made this not an easy task!). Getting back to the hostal pool before the sun peaked, we got ready for the evenings big activity! Making our way to another beach we rocked up to Vive Mar, a volunteer group with the goal of protecting the turtle population in the area and for a donation we were given a freshly hatched baby turtle (Coco in our case, Sarah got to name it! as I said we just watched Coco!). Reminding us of our koopa in the way Coco did everything to try escape it's coconut prison we realised it into the water and watched through teary eyes as it swam out to sea (I'm not crying ... I swear).

Taking our last day in Puerto Escondido to do what people do best on holidays (which is what this felt like a holiday from our holiday!) we hung out around the hostel caught up on some reading, dipping into the pool and enjoying the sun. But all good things come to an end and me needed to get ourselves across country with two flights first thing in the morning.......