Viva La Mexico! (Mexico: Meh - Hee - Koh ~ Now accepting enrollment for September 2023 Lacour school of Spanish)

Blurry eyed we landed in Mexico City (by blurry eyed I mean the eyes were falling out of our head from a red eye without any sleep!). We retrieved our bags, 3 flights in and yet to go missing I'm impressed so far! We checked our clocks and realised that 06:00 was a bit early to rock up to a hostel with a check-in of 15:00 so opted to hang around the airport sipping an iced Americano (I asked for it hot and Sarah heard me but chalking it up to my Spanish mostly being French with an accent). Eventually mustering the strength to ditch the bags we wandered the streets of Mexico City for a few hours before our room was ready and we could finally sleep!

The heartbeat of the city is composed of a number of elements including the Drum and Conch of Traditional Aztech Warrior Dancers, the Melodic Tones of the Mariachi Bands and the Nightmare Fuel that is the Mexican Organilleros (If you are not acquainted with this here is a youtube link: ). The Organilleros really make you feel like you are a character in Stephen King's "IT" and I found myself becoming instantly aware of any storm drains on the road......... The city so full of life and atmosphere really took us both a back and easily one of the friendliest places we have gone to in our trips! And the food........... if we weren't walking all day I would be rolling into the next country!

Calling it a day we got ready for a 05:00 am start the next day! Finally getting to complete the dream of the Montgolfier Brothers (also shared by Sarah) we bussed out to a field on the outskirts of Mexico to take flight and soar above the city! Wind conditions did not look promising but eventually they died down enough for our Hot Air Balloon to be cleared for flight (Wind conditions to increase right at the point of landing to make an interesting touch down!). The views and sensation was amazing and our Pilot and fellow wicker basketeers made it even better! Taking some time to explore the Teotihuacan Pyramids of the Sun and Moon and waling down the Avenue of the Dead in some deceptively hot weather (That wind keeping me cool while the sun sizzling us like bacon!).